Thursday 9 July 2009

2 Weeks Post-op

The vision remains great. I have been using a lot of artificial tears - Allergan Refresh - as they are preservative free. I don't really have very dry eyes but I use them religiously just in case.

The halos around bright lights are slowly going away. I can tell as the halo's diameter is getting smaller and smaller as time goes by. Hopefully it will be completely gone by next week.

Thursday 2 July 2009

1 week Post-op

My vision continues to be good and I attended my 1 week post-op this afternoon. The technician took the necessary scans and electronic tests and then I was seen by the optometrist.

The usual acuity and 'spot' tests were carried out. I could read 20/16 with both eyes and 20/20 on single eye. I was told that I don't have any prescriptions on my eyes anymore! There is some residual astigmatism of -0.50 on both eyes though, but I'm sure they will settle with time!

I have also been given a green light to have full shower, no more 'shower from the neck down' malarky!