Friday 26 June 2009

24 hours Post-op

My vision kept improving throughout the treatment day but I did notice that my right eye is slightly weaker than the left. If I covered my left eye, I can only read up to 20/25. With both eyes I can read 20/20 easily and with concentration I can read 20/15.

I see halos around bright lights in the evening. I took a short walk and also noticed the glares from moving vehicles. I wasn't too worried about these as they were expected in the early days of the treatment...

Attended the 1-day post-op appointment and the optometrist told me that was no inflammation and the flap was placed nicely and looking good. She confirmed that the right eye is slightly weaker but she said it will get better as the healing process continues, the left eye is perfect.

I asked her whether I could use swimming googles to protect my eyes when I take shower next morning, she adviced against it as the goggles would put too much pressure on the eye. I guess I just need to be extra careful in the shower then...

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