Thursday 25 June 2009

Treatment Day - The surgery

My appointment was scheduled at 10:30AM and I arrived 15 minutes early. I think I was the second patient but for some reasons the whole session was running a little late.

I was seen at about 11AM by Dr Allamby. We went through the consent form, the scans that were taken during my initial consultation and he then carried out the necessary tests. He rechecked my prescription and noticed that my right eye is -4.00 instead of -3.75 sph but the astigmatism remains the same, we agreed that we should take this -0.25 into account. I was really impressed and had full confident in him.

I returned to the reception area and waited for another 15 or so minutes and I was ready for the surgery. The nurse went through the post-operative instructions, showing me all the eye drops -steroids, antibiotics, eye lubricants - that I need to take for the next seven days. I was also given a capsule of local anaesthetic to take away just in case I need it later.

I was given hairnet and shoes covers and I was led to the theater and noted the time was 11:55AM. Dr Allamby then put some local anaesthetics on my right eye and proceed to create a flap. The procedure itself was painless but I felt uncomfortable when he inserted the speculum (a device that keeps one from blinking). Then he proceeded to laser the right eye, again there was no pain and all I need to do was concentrating on the green light. It was over sooner than what it took to create the flap. The left eye was treated the same way.

When it was over, I sat up and I was fine. My eyes were watery and I could see the clock much clearer than before. It was 12:12PM! I was then led to a recovery room and rested for half an hour.

I was advised to avoid travelling by tube so I took a taxi to Waterloo and caught a train home. I'm so glad that I have my partner with me, it made the journey more comfortable as I didn't have to pay much attention to the journey. I tried really hard just to shut my eyes and relaxed instead of looking everywhere with my new sights......

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