Thursday 28 May 2009

Took the plunge!

After had an extensive research on the procedure and visited four laser surgery centres, I have finally made up my mind to go ahead and booked the surgery with FOCUS on 25/06/09!!!

I would also like to comment on the pros and cons of the clinics I have visited.

Pros : A big high street chain with lots of branches all over UK. If I moved out of London, accessibility to after care would not be a problem.

Cons : I did not have much confidence with the optician that carried out my eye tests, especially the prescription she gave me was inconsistent with other clinics. They have too many treatment options to choose from which I found very confusing, i.e. Lasek, Lasek with Wavefront, Blade cut Lasik without Wavefront, Blade cut Lasik with Wavefront, IntraLase without Wavefront and IntraLase with Wavefront.

Pros : I like their personal approach to customer care, as all the tests was done by the optometrist. The other three clinics all have technicians to carry out the scans before the final eye tests were carried out by the optometrists. The Wavefront technology is included in all treatments.

Cons : They only offer Microkeratome (blade cut) Wavefront Lasik, that is the only fault I can find with them really.

Pros : Again a big high street chain with branches all over the country. They offer Lifetime Warranty on their treatment and only offer IntraLase or laser cut flap.

Cons : Wavefront is not included in the treatment and they are the most expensive treatment provider out there. They hard sell and bombarded your email account with offers almost every week!

Pros : They offer Lifelong Warranty and Wavefront is included in their treatment. They are also phasing out the blade cut Lasik (M-Lasik). Their price is the most competitive and the service I received was brilliant. I personally find that Dr Allamby's blog is really useful, it provides a mean to question the surgeon himself and usually the questions are answered within a few hours. It is handy for aftercare too, for example if you have a condition that is not urgent but would like it to be addressed, contacting him via his blog is a good way to get the answer in a few hours.

Cons : A few people on Lasik-Eye do not agree with Dr Allamby's marketing strategies, i.e. his personal blog, the use of celebrities, and the statement 'Treatment starts from £295', etc. As mentioned above, I find the blog useful. The use of celebrities may not be of everyone taste, but if he had the confidence to do so then why not? As for 'Treatment starts from £295', I agree that it is a bit misleading, but if Optical Express can do it I don't see why he could not do it too. Also, his treatment charges was the most competitive compared to the three clinics.

Monday 25 May 2009

4th Consultation

My final consultation was with Focus Laser Vision after I stumbled across this website while doing my never ending research. The site was maintained by Dr David Allamby and obviously he is bias and promoting his laser eye clinic. But what I found out later that he is open minded, truthful and honest about his treatment charges.

Before I made an appointment to visit the clinic, I exchanged a few messages with him via his blog. I was told that it will costs me £2290 for my treatment, which sounds really good with added bonus that it will be Wavefront treatment with laser created flap (Z-Lasik)!

I also checked the Lasik-Eye for the treatment testimonies, overall it is highly rated even though there was less than 100 testimonies. But putting it in perspective, FOCUS is a small clinic with only one outlet compares to the high street chains.

My appointment was on 29/04/2009 at 14:00. The consultation was free but there was a £25 holding fee just in case I didn't turn up, which was fair. The first impression was really good, the lay out of the clinic is modern and simple, but professional. The service was efficient and I was greeted straight way.

The consultation went smoothly. I first saw a technician and she took some scans and carried out the tests. Then I saw the optometrist - Connie - was lovely and very thorough, and carried out sight tests and confirming that my prescription hasn't changed. She was truthful about the risks of the treatment without being prompted and I felt very confident in her.

I then saw Paula who went through any further questions I had. She explained the financial options that were available and a copy of the consent form. She also gave me a list of treatment dates of both surgeons. I forgot to mention that prior to the consultation, FOCUS had sent some information pack to me and in that there was a copy of surgeons' CV, which I did not get from the first three clinics I visited.

Overall, I was most happy with them.

Friday 22 May 2009

3rd Consultation

My third appointment was with Ultralase on 22/04/09 at 12:00PM.

I knew they are expensive and I read a mixed testimonies on Lasik-Eye but I decided to give Ultralase a go as it offers free consultations. This would give me an opportunity to get my third opinion and also double confirm the results of various tests performed by the previous two clinics.

When I arrived at the clinic, I was a little confused as the shop front and the ground floor was 2020 Optician. When I approach the reception, the receptionist was busy typing away and let me waited a while before addressing me. On the back of my head, I thought all she needed to do was to check me in and ask me to go downstairs? But obviously whatever she was doing was more important....

I was seen promptly by a technician and then the optician. The test results were similar to the one carried out by AccuVision and proved that my prescription hasn't changed... not the ridiculous new prescription that OE was trying to convince me.

After the tests I was seen by 'sales representative', I think that was what his roles was, he told me I was suitable to undergo IntraLase Lasik procedure (this is the procedure I was interested in) and I could either choose 'Plano' (without Wavefront) for £2790 or with Wavefront for £3990. Already they are SO MUCH more expensive than the previous two clinics. Their argument is that they offer the Lifetime Warranty for the treatment. I was then asked when I would like to book the treatment for and I thought he was hard selling. I told him that I need more time to think it over and finally I was given a consent form to take away and information on their finance options.

If I were to make up my mind then which clinic to go to, I would definitely choose AccuVision!

Monday 18 May 2009

2nd Consultation

After my first consultation with OE, I did an extensive search on the web for other clinics in London. I came across this fantastic website which has a lot of testimonies from people who had the surgery. AccuVision seems to come up top with patient satisfactions..

I booked the appointment through their website and received the reply a few hours later. I was very impressed with their prompt service!

I was 40 minutes early on the consultation day as I thought it would take me some time to find the clinic, but the journey was really straight forward. Luckily there is a Starbuck just next to the clinic so I had a coffee and read my book.

AccuVision has a nice reception area and I was seen almost immediately by Vikesh. He was very polite and carried out all the necessary tests then explained all my questions I had. I was very impressed with him. I asked him about my prescription and he said that it is the same as my glasses which I have for 2 years. Unfortunately when I ask about IntraLase treatment, he told me that AccuVision only carries out Wavefront Lasik using microkeratome blade. The price he quoted me was £2200, that is £1000 cheaper than OE!

There was no hard sell from them at all. Before I leave, I was given some surgery dates but with no obligation to commit to them.

1st Consultation

I have been getting my daily lenses from OE since 2003 and my annual eye test / contact lens fitting examination was due in March. Naturally OE was my first port of call, so I called their headquarter and made the appointment.

When I arrived for initial consultation, they couldn't find my appointment details. But they have an available slot an hour later. I took the slot. I had the impression that the guy and two girls at the reception desk were more interested in their conversation than anything else...

One and a quarter hour later I was seen by two girls. They didn't introduce themselves, so I don't know their names.... oh well! One checked my eye prescription electronically, eye scans, glasses prescription and eye pressures then I waited for the optician for eye test.

The optician carried out more tests and at the end she said that I might be a good candidate for the surgery but she had two concerns. Firstly, she said my tears evaporated quickly in the eyes and I might suffer from dry eyes following the treatment. Secondly, my prescription had changed! I was very surprised to say the least as I know it has been stabilised for almost 9 years or more! I asked her what was my new prescription and she gave me the following numbers:-

R : -5.25 / -1.50 / 90
L : -4.50 / -1.25 / 88

When I looked at the numbers I was astonished and straight away said that the new prescription is wrong. She was probably offended by this and insisted that I chose her prescription every time during the eye test! I did not argue as I know the difference -0.25 makes between my right and left eye but from -3.75 of my right eye to -5.25 that is -1.50 difference!

Anyway, I lost my interest at that point and ask about the treatment cost if I were to go ahead with the treatment. I was quoted £3,200 for the all laser treatment and when I mentioned the offer price of £395 per eye, she honestly told me that was to grab people's attention and very few people actually get that price for treatment.

I left feeling disappointed......

Friday 15 May 2009

Snellen Chart

Printed out the Snellen Chart from the following website:-

I have 20/20 contact lenses corrected vision and 20/13 specs corrected vision. My uncorrected vision is worse than 20/200!!! Can't see the letter E on the top of the chart.. :-(

Hopefully the treatment would give me at least 20/20 if not 20/13! Fingers cross...

My nearsightedness / Myopia

I started wearing glasses when I turned 11. At the beginning I was excited as there weren't that many pupils wore glasses in my class. But as I grew older, I hate glasses more and more....

After high school, I wore monthly soft contact lenses for a few years but the maintenance regime put me off. Then I swapped them for daily lenses and carried on wearing them until now. However, for the last couple of years I noticed that my eyes get tired at the end of the day after prolong wear, and started to reduce the contact lenses wearing days.

The prescription for both my eyes had been stabilised for the last 9 years :-

April 2000
Right : Sph -3.75 / Cyl -1.00 / Axis 173
Left : Sph -3.50 / Cyl -0.75/ Axis 180

April 2009
Right : Sph -3.75 / Cyl -1.00 / Axis 170
Left : Sph -3.50 / Cyl -1.00/ Axis 180

The only change is my astigmatism in my left eye. From the prescription stability point of view I am a good candidate for Laser Eye Surgery.

Thursday 14 May 2009


I've been thinking of having laser eye treatment for a couple of years now but never really do anything about it until end of March this year.

I will write about my four consultations and treatment experiences in this Lasik Diary and hopefully gives some insight to people who is considering the treatment.